Christ’s La Cremerie

Isn’t it funny when you are researching how you ‘stumble’ on information?

I am currently devising study on 2 things…

First is our soon to come dairy sheep (my oldest son’s priority). We love sheep milk and its multitude of benefits. And of course, the pairing potential with our unifloral honey is a top win. Sheep milk has been used for thousands of years across the world. And if I do say so myself, it is one of the creamiest cheeses I’ve tantalized my palette with.

Secondly, my book, that I hope to hit the shelves in 2025. Can’t give too many details on this yet. Only that it is a work of art, and honey, and divine things in the hive cracks.

During my study session I received the distinct privilege of an epiphany. That moment when it all comes together, and you just baste in the moment (foodie words used frequently and metaphorically-you’ve been warned).

This specific moment of realization was the stumbling upon the intertwining of God’s sweet design and the remedies that are created.

Did you know that sheep blood is snake anti-venom? Sheep blood, once bitten by a snake, starts creating antibodies to defeat the grave effects of snake venom. It’s been used for many years to create produced anti-venom.

Now let’s theology this up a little. Biblically we know that when tempting was happening in Eden, Satan was turned to the body of a serpent. Irony? We also know that forgiveness comes through bloodshed (Old Testament) and that Jesus (The Lamb) was the ultimate sacrifice for our sin.

Christ’s La Cremerie is one of the most humbled places to sit. Being washed of sin through His sacrifice, enjoying the milk of the land, being clothed in the sheep’s wool of comfort and love.